Во вчерашнем номере
The New York Times
опубликован большой материал о человеке, сдавшем милиции в
Змеиногорске несколько таблеток радиоактивных изотопов,
предоставленный в нашей распоряжением профессором Сергеем
Ушакиным (Serguei Oushakine). Хотя фактическая сторона статьи,
вышедшей в нью-йоркской газете уже известна нашим читателям,
предлагаем им ознакомиться с текстом авторитетного издания,
небезынтересным с точки зрения того, как случившийся инцидент
воспринимается мировым медийным сообществом.
Scare Is Over, and Siberia Wont Glow in the Dark
By C. J. CHIVERS, November 22, 2004
MEINOGORSK, Russia, Nov. 16 - The gun buy-back program in this
old Siberian mining town works like similar programs anywhere
There is a kitty of money. The local police put announcements in
the newspaper, notifying residents that they will grant amnesty
and pay small sums - in this case up to about $17.25 in rubles -
to anyone who turns in an unregistered gun.
Then they wait at the station for the usual trickle of tired or
inherited hunting guns. Usually they get shotguns (about 10 in
the past six months). Sometimes they get boxes of ammunition.
Often they receive weapons in such disrepair that they can no
longer be fired.
Nothing in their experience, in other words, prepared them for
the appearance of Leonid I. Grigorov, one of the stranger pack
rats the world has ever known, who turned up at the police
station last month in search of his $17.25.
"I have plutonium," he said.
So began a madcap chapter in the history of Zmeinogorsk,
population 14,000, and in the life of Mr. Grigorov, who is
learning that amnesty for weapons does not extend to Russians who
store radioactive isotopes at home.
Mr. Grigorov, 58, a retired laboratory technician, had kept nine
tablet-shaped bits of radioactive isotopes in his garage since
1996. In Russia, where it is a reliable news media chestnut that
fuel for a nuclear or a radiological bomb is loose or unsecured
or both, poisoning residents and tempting black marketeers, Mr.
Grigorovs cache ignited a small wave of hysteria.
The police were alarmed, of course.
Mr. Grigorov, who wears square-framed glasses and a dark fur hat,
did assure the police that his collection included industrial
plutonium, not weapons-grade plutonium. But police officers are
not physicists, and plutonium is a word with frightening
connotations, invoking thoughts of hot fuel for reactors or
mushroom clouds.
The authorities quickly seized the isotopes and locked them away.
Mr. Grigorov had been helpful, an investigator at the
prosecutors office said - he had placed the radioactive material
in a yellowish-green lead cylinder for the police to find on his
Soon, the official certificates inside the cylinder told them
that it held three tablets of cadmium 109, two of an isotope of
iron, and four of plutonium 238. And they learned that just as
Mr. Grigorov had insisted, plutonium 238 is not weapons grade.
(Bomb fuel is a different plutonium isotope.)
Moreover, after having a local physicist test the radiation
emitted when the lead cylinder was opened, they learned that the
isotopes were too weak to be of much threat in a so-called dirty
bomb, which theoretically could be made by dispersing radioactive
isotopes with a conventional blast.
The case was all but closed.
Police interviews with Mr. Grigorov and former mine supervisors
filled in the last level of detail: the isotopes had been
components of a standard technical instrument, similar to an
X-ray machine, that Mr. Grigorov had used to analyze ore at the
now defunct mining laboratory where he had been employed.
Mr. Grigorov claimed to have found them abandoned after the
laboratory closed in the mid-1990s, and decided to safeguard
them himself in their original lead sleeve.
Mikhail Filippovich, Zmeinogorsks mayor, described the decision
in a sadly noble way. "During privatization, everybody got what
he got, and Leonid got a container with some isotopes in it," he
said. "It was not the most successful acquisition."
"But we are thankful for this," he added, "because thanks to him
the isotopes did not get into any other hands."
Because Mr. Grigorov risked a criminal charge for illegal storage
of radioactive substances, and a potential jail sentence of two
years, the authorities filed reports to their regional bosses in
Barnaul. They noted that the pack rat remained perplexed and
"He simply couldnt understand why he wasnt given any money,"
said Capt. Dmitri Boiko, the deputy police chief.
But as the case drew near its end, it grew stranger still.
Someone in Barnaul, who knew only a sketch of the case, leaked
inaccurate information about it, the police here say. Within
hours their detective work was for naught.
Russian news agencies, radio stations, newspapers and television
stations reported that weapons-grade plutonium had been
discovered in a garage in Siberia. One account said more than a
pound had been found, which in the age of modern terror would
have been a frightening amount.
The reports provoked swift denunciations. Nikolai Shingaryov,
spokesman for Russias Federal Atomic Energy Agency, insisted
that Russia had not lost custody of any plutonium bomb fuel.
"What has been written absolutely doesnt correspond to what is
there," he said in a telephone interview.
This opinion corresponds with the understanding of the case at
the United States National Nuclear Security Administration, in
Washington, which has helped Russia secure 900 radiological
sources in recent years.
Paul M. Longsworth, deputy administrator of the administration,
said that while the incident did not involve American help - the
radiation level of Mr. Grigorovs plutonium tablets was well
below the threshold of what the administration considers
threatening - it carried larger meanings.
"While it is a humorous story on one level, it does indicate that
there are sources out there that are unsecured," he said in a
telephone interview. "It does indicate why we are doing what we
are doing."
As the Russian news media dropped the story, its lasting effect
seems not to have been on national security but on Mr. Grigorov,
who, the authorities said, has been suffering from cancer, and
was deeply uncomfortable about finding himself the subject of
both a media storm and his neighbors stares.
"Now he is scared," the mayor said. "He does not want to see
anybody. He is hiding."
Mr. Grigorov did make an appearance this week in the lobby of the
prosecutors office, but when he saw three journalists, he dashed
outside. When he heard his name called, he spun and showed a
frightened face, then sped up and disappeared down the snowy
Now the case is closing again. Captain Boiko mused that in the
end he hoped there would be leniency for the ailing mine
technician who gave Russia a brief but unfounded scare. "He is a
normal guy," he said. "Quiet, balanced, competent in his sphere.
I personally think that this case will just be stopped."
23.11.2004 08:38
23.11.2004 09:06
23.11.2004 09:33
Мы с этим оружием, в наше время, (фсб-терористы, бесхозяйственность, продажность всего и везде) всё равно, что обезьяна с гранатой. Или сами подорвёмся или каимнибуть арабам продадим.
Лучше бы его и небыло совсем, так всем спокойнее и нам и остальным.
А вот насчёт превращения нас в свалку - эт ты перегнул, есть конечно некоторые личности у нас которые на этом хотят бабла загрести и только, вот с ними и надо разбираться.
23.11.2004 11:37
2. Какая интересно «американская помощь» была необходима в решении этого вопроса? Лучше бы самого Григорова защитил кто-нибудь. Побываешь у него дома – и сразу становится ясно, что он вряд ли террорист. Кроме книг по медицине и старого телевизора нет ничего. Да и сам дом на продажу выставлен. Нужны деньги на лечение.
3. Captain Boiko в интервью для программы «Вести» говорил совсем другие вещи: «Для нас важна не моральная сторона дела, а закон, а с т.з. закона этот человек - преступник». Про закрытие дела и речи не шло.
23.11.2004 12:23
мне таким людям хочется сказать одно: ты бы повешался что-ли, раз жизнь такая плохая, и все люди такую плохие, чтоже ты до сих пор тут живешь? вали за границу, пусть тебе там будет "хорошо"...
ЗЫ. бесит просто ......
23.11.2004 12:39
23.11.2004 12:59
23.11.2004 13:00
23.11.2004 13:13
ГТРК "Алтай" А.Буймов, показавший краю сдатчика радиоактивного металлолома, и объяснивший, зрителям, что это не "оруженый плутоний". Как известно, задачи государственных каналов должны соответствовать целям, устанавливаемым учредителем: управлением делами Президента, этим все сказано.
"Свободный Курс" Т. Дмитриенко, детально разоблачившая тайну так называемого "оружейного плутония", просто расставила все точки в этом вопросе.
Да и тот корреспондент Московского отделения Американского издания, изначально планировал командировку в Казахстан. Просто, события сложились именно так. За слова плутоний (заметьте, не оружейный) и Россия, он получил в редакции обычный гонорар, но это его повседневная работа, а не результат какого- либо заговора. И теперь ,пожалйста, найдите в вышеназванном списке, так называемых "проамериканских либералов", котроым выгодно было раздувать тему "оружейного плутония".
23.11.2004 13:35